Decreased muscle mass

Decreased muscle mass, also known as muscle wasting or muscle atrophy, refers to the loss of muscle tissue. This can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as aging, illness, or inactivity. Some key points about decreased muscle mass:

- What causes it? Muscle wasting is often caused by a lack of physical activity. As we get older, we tend to become more sedentary. Immobility due to illness or injury can also lead to muscle loss. Certain medical conditions, like cancer, AIDS, congestive heart failure, and kidney disease, can also cause cachexia - severe muscle wasting.

- Why does it matter? Our muscles play an important role in movement, balance, and metabolism. Loss of muscle mass can lead to feelings of fatigue and weakness. It also affects our quality of life and ability to remain independent as we age. Decreased muscle mass is linked with higher risks of falls and fractures too.

- Who does it affect? Muscle loss is a normal part of aging, affecting even healthy adults. After age 50, adults lose 3-5% of their muscle mass per decade. But those with sedentary lifestyles or chronic illnesses may be affected earlier in life. Muscle wasting diseases like sarcopenia disproportionately affect older adults.

- Can it be prevented and treated? Engaging in regular strength training and getting adequate protein can help minimize muscle loss. It's never too late to rebuild muscle through exercise! Talk to your doctor about safe routines. Supplements like amino acids and HGH treatment can also help, under medical supervision.

At The Hormone Hub, we help patients maintain healthy muscle mass safely. Our anti-aging specialists provide customized hormone replacement therapy using bioidentical hormones to address hormonal imbalances that can accelerate muscle loss. Schedule a consultation today to learn about our treatments with testosterone, HGH, and other vital hormones for supporting your strength, mobility and vitality as you age. Mention this post for a 10% discount on your first visit!

With proper nutrition, activity and care, the effects of decreased muscle mass can be minimized. Don't just accept aches, fatigue and weakness as an inevitable part of aging! Take charge of your health and contact us to map out a treatment plan tailored just for you. Our experienced medical team looks forward to helping you live your strongest, most energetic life.

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