Decreased libido

What is decreased libido?

Decreased libido, or low sex drive, is when someone experiences a lower interest in sexual activity than is normal for them. It's common for libido levels to fluctuate over time, but libido is considered low when it causes distress or negatively impacts relationships. There are many potential causes of low libido, both physical and psychological.

Some common causes include:

- Hormonal changes - Low testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone can all dampen libido. Hormone levels change over the lifespan and during events like pregnancy, menopause, and andropause. Hormone imbalances may benefit from treatment from a clinic like The Hormone Hub.

- Medical conditions - Chronic illness, cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis and thyroid disorders can interfere with sexual desire.

- Medications - Many prescription drugs have libido-lowering side effects, including antidepressants, blood pressure medications, and anticonvulsants.

- Mental health - Stress, depression, anxiety, trauma, and body image issues often co-occur with decreased desire. Better managing mental health through counseling or medication may help.

- Relationship problems - Intimacy and attraction between partners is a key part of libido. Unresolved conflict, poor communication, infidelity, or general disconnect can diminish interest in sex.

- Fatigue and lifestyle habits - Being overworked, sleep deprived, or deconditioned, as well as habits like smoking, excessive drinking, and poor nutrition, sap energy for sex.

So in summary, lowered libido usually results from a combination of biological, psychological, and contextual factors. It's not necessarily abnormal or unhealthy to experience fluctuations in desire, but chronic and distressing lack of libido should be evaluated by a doctor or specialist like The Hormone Hub. Bloodwork, counseling, lifestyle changes, hormone therapies, medications, or treating underlying health conditions may help boost lagging libido. Don't hesitate to seek help - an active, enjoyable sex life is important for many people, and low desire often responds well to treatment. The Hormone Hub' experienced hormone specialists can pinpoint any hormonal causes and help you regain your zest for intimacy. Call today to schedule a consultation!

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