Are progesterone suppositories bioidentical?

Progesterone suppositories can be either bioidentical or synthetic. Bioidentical progesterone is structurally identical to the progesterone produced naturally by the body. It is often derived from plant sources such as yams or soybeans. Bioidentical progesterone suppositories provide pure progesterone without any additional ingredients. They are considered natural and come the closest to matching the progesterone made by the ovaries.

Synthetic progesterone, on the other hand, has a different molecular structure than natural progesterone. Progestins like Provera are synthetic progesterones that may have additional side effects compared to bioidentical progesterone. Synthetic progestins are made from propenes in a lab. While synthetic progestins act similar to natural progesterone in the body, their slightly different structure means they do not perfectly mimic natural progesterone.

There are several key differences between bioidentical progesterone suppositories and synthetic versions:

- Bioidentical progesterone acts as an exact replica of the progesterone produced by the body. Synthetic progestins have a different molecular structure that may not offer all the same benefits.

- Bioidentical progesterone generally does not increase the risk of breast cancer like synthetic progestins might. The different structure of synthetic progestins may interfere with estrogen receptors, potentially increasing cancer risk.

- Bioidentical progesterone does not negatively impact blood lipid profiles. Synthetic progestins might adversely affect HDL and LDL cholesterol levels.

- Bioidentical progesterone may have fewer side effects like bloating, depression and anxiety compared to synthetic versions. The natural molecular structure prevents hormone imbalances.

- Bioidentical progesterone is ideal for hormone replacement therapy since the body recognizes it as identical to its own progesterone. Synthetic progestins are similar but not a perfect match.

Overall, bioidentical progesterone suppositories are considered the superior option if natural progesterone replacement is desired. Products like Prometrium provide plant-derived progesterone identical to the progesterone produced in the body. For women using progesterone for perimenopausal symptoms, fertility, PCOS or transgender hormone therapy, bioidentical progesterone causes less hormonal disruption.

The Hormone Hub provides both bioidentical progesterone suppositories as well as bioidentical estrogen and testosterone. Our expert physicians develop personalized and balanced hormone therapy based on your lab tests and symptoms. Learn more about how The Hormone Hub can help you achieve hormonal balance with bioidentical hormone pellets, creams, pills and injections. Contact us today to find out if bioidentical hormone therapy is right for you!

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